Windows 10VirtueldのダウンロードDownload Virtueld for Windows 10

English 📕User's Manual 🎮Controls ✒Update Logs 🔨Debug Tools
Japanese 📕取扱説明書 🎮操作方法 ✒更新履歴 🔨デバッグツール
Topics Experimental Topics
Project Site 🎮Virtueld (XVRF) project home site

⚠ Note that this link works only when your local Windows has installed Virtueld and XVRF URL protocol handler.

お気に入りVRMキャラクターで遊んでね♡Play with your favorite VRM characters♡

By following links, you can preview the VRM characters with 3D animations on VRoid Hub. Note that is somewhat different ingame.
以下のリンクにて、VRoid Hub上で3DアニメーションするVRMキャラクターをプレビューできます。ゲーム内とは多少異なります。
Protagonist of Virtueld🔗ᚡᛆᛚᚴᚤᚱᛄᛆ (Valkyrie)
My simple experimental ♂ on VRoid Studio🔗Virtueld Specimen Male 1
My simple experimental ♀ on VRoid Studio🔗Victorine
As a reference ♀ by VRoidプロジェクトProject🔗ヴィータ / Vita
As a reference ♂ by VRoidプロジェクトProject🔗桜田さくらだ 史利矢ふみりや (Fumiriya Sakurada)
You can find🔎 and heart♡ to play ingame🎮 your favorite VRM character on🔗VRoid Hub
You can also create your VRM character by🔗VRoid Studio

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